The Importance of Analyzing the Results of 5S Audits

Cláudio Milani
by Cláudio Milani :
Updated 2024-03-27

The comparative analysis between current and previous 5S audits is a crucial step for the success of the program. This analysis, based on quality doctrines, offers a comprehensive view of the organization's evolution, allowing it to identify strengths, areas for improvement and trends over time.

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The comparative analysis between current and previous 5S audits plays a fundamental role in the success of Quality Management. Supported by quality doctrines, this analysis offers a comprehensive view of the organization's evolution, highlighting strengths, areas for improvement and trends over time. Comparative analysis can be used at different levels of granularity. Through sampling or careful selection, it is possible to make comparisons at the level of the audited unit, Between Senses or Other classifications. An example of applying comparative analysis is the investigation of occurrences of low performance in a specific indicator, correlating them with the geographic location of the company's offices. This analysis may reveal the need to implement corrective actions targeted at specific regions. In this article we will concisely list the benefits, levels, necessary tools, recommended tool, recommendations and links on the subject.

Benefits of comparative analysis

A comparative analysis in audits is a process that involves comparing the results of two or more audits to identify differences and trends. This can be done to Evaluate progress over time, Identify areas of risk and Benchmarking. With it you can:

Effectiveness assessment

  • Quantifies progress in each of the 5S senses (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke).
  • Identifies areas that demonstrate consistent improvement and areas that require special attention.

Trend identification

  • Allows you to view progress over time, revealing positive or negative trends.
  • It helps in predicting future challenges and implementing proactive measures.

Continuous improvement

  • Provides valuable insights to improve the 5S program and target resources efficiently.
  • Allows the identification of opportunities to optimize processes and increase productivity.

Motivation and recognition

  • Demonstrates to employees the positive impact of their efforts.
  • Recognizes teams and individuals who achieve exceptional results.

Comparative Analysis Details

In the context of audits, comparative analysis involves comparing results between two or more audits to identify differences, trends and areas for improvement. The details of the comparative analysis vary depending on the specific objectives of the audit, but generally include defining comparisons with other audited units, other departments, discrepancies between senses, and looking for correlations between identified problems. Here are some comparisons:

Comparison by sense

  • Analyze progress in each sense (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke) individually.
  • Identify areas with greater and lesser progress in each direction.

Comparison by area

  • Analyze progress in each area of the organization (departments, sections, etc.).
  • Identify areas with best and worst overall performance.

Comparison by indicator

  • Analyze each indicator used in the audit (e.g. level of organization, cleanliness, etc.).
  • Identify indicators with the greatest and least evolution.

Root cause analysis

  • Investigate the causes behind positive and negative results.
  • Implement corrective measures to eliminate causes of problems.

Trends and predictions

  • Identify trends of progression or stagnation over time.
  • Anticipate future challenges and implement proactive measures.

Tools for analysis

For these comparisons, tools are needed that enable information to be tabulated. If no quality management system is available, the quality consultant can make use of spreadsheets, external reports and produce artifacts capable of supplying the organization's direction with compiled data and visual demonstrations about deficiencies, needs and progress. The following tools are required:

Graphs and tables

  • Visualize progress clearly and concisely.
  • Easily identify trends and patterns.


  • Compare performance with other companies or departments.
  • Identify areas of opportunity for improvement.

5S management software

  • Automate data collection and analysis.
  • Generate custom reports and dashboards.

Required Tools

At this stage you must decide how you will record the measurements. Whether in spreadsheets, emails, printed or electronic forms, etc.

There are tools on the market with ready-made models that facilitate the implementation and execution of quality improvement plans.

To carry out a 5s inspection with Infocapta , simply select the ready-made model, which has the 5 senses with all related indicators and distributed between the sections.

The ready-made model already has an initial section where you can record the date of the inspection, the manager and also the departments in your company where you intend to carry out the verification. The departments, as well as the indicators and scores, are customizable and you can also create your own model, suited to your needs.

You will be able to mark whether the items are in compliance, take photos of conflicting items as proof and make observations of details that you observe. Everything will be recorded in the departmental 5s report. Still as a plus , the tool allows different analyses, tabulation of results, presentation in graphs and visualization of audited units on geographic maps.

More than a simple 5s questionnaire, Infocapta provides the possibility of creating several checklists necessary in the checking and evaluating phases of PDCA results. It also opens up the opportunity to replace printed forms in all areas of the organization, bringing tasks that were previously performed with paper and pen to the palm of their hands, on employees' devices.

Tool Highlights

  • Organizational Structure and Departments;
  • Customizable electronic checklist ;
  • Records photographic evidence;
  • Register comments and pending issues;
  • Action Plans;
  • Collect electronic signature;
  • Issues report with photos, observations and compliance;
  • Analytical Artificial Intelligence;
  • Graphs and reports;
  • Spreadsheets;
  • Activity in Offline mode;

The tool helps managers monitor PDCA cycles, automatically sending checklists to auditors, transforming PDCA cycle checking tasks into a continuous process.

The auditor can customize several checklist approaches , with data types ranging from simple text to multiple-choice answers. The answers have weights, which in turn generate audit scores. The results are transformed into indicators that can feed the planning and checking processes in the PDCA cycles.

The auditor can also collect evidence of problems through photos that make up the audit report and everything will be recorded for later analysis and comparison.

In addition to these features that are so important in quality processes, it includes the convenience of analyzing indicators in graphs and even viewing them on geographic maps, a very useful feature for organizations that have units distributed in different cities, states or regions.

To use the application, you must create an account and install the compatible app on your cell phone or tablet . There are accounts suitable for the size of your company and you can do a tasting, without obligation.

You can learn more about the benefits of Infocapta here

Recommendations for effective analysis

We have listed some recommendations and related articles for the reader to delve deeper into the subject:

Define key performance indicators (KPIs)

  • Select indicators relevant to the 5S program and the organization.
  • Monitor and analyze KPIs regularly.

Carry out audits regularly

  • Establish an appropriate frequency for audits (monthly, quarterly, etc.).
  • Ensure comparability of results between audits.

Involve all employees

  • Disclose audit results to all employees.
  • Encourage employee participation and feedback.

Use analysis tools

  • Employ tools to facilitate data analysis and visualization.
  • Gain deeper insights into 5S program performance.

5s Methodology / 5s Checklist - Reading Recommendations

What is the 5s methodology and how is it used with Checklists.

8 Questions to Include in your Process Audit Checklist


By implementing a robust comparative analysis focused on quality doctrines, organizations can strengthen their 5S program, achieve more significant results and build a lasting quality culture.

Cláudio Milani
He is a coordinator in the Information Technology segment, having worked on the development and architecture of multiplatform applications, focusing on indicators and Dashboards and participating in projects for large companies in the cosmetics, mining, telecommunications and transport segments.
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